Message from the Chair
Our Organization is committed to promote democratic governance and human centered sustainable development. We aim to create a world where human rights are fully realized, democratic values are respected and the common citizens have met the minimum standards of living. We dream about a nation which is full of good social cohesion where the common civilians are aware of their rights and responsibilities; they are aware of the sustainable pattern of development and global climatic change; and they are capable and efficient for attaining a sustainable livelihood.
Nepal, on the contrary, in spite of the intervention from the UN Agencies and other International Communities which are assisting for setting up a legitimate system for a number of years, lacks a clear direction to march forward. Perhaps, she is still in need for a good guide who is far from the negative aspects of conflict for ensuring the overall development of the country.
Development can never be drawn away from politics but, development process in Nepal is trapped into the arms of conflict even in the changed present political scenario of the country where decentralization itself is confined to a fact and the milestones of all-round development strategies are covered with the internal negotiation for chairs and power. Bribery and misuse of powers seem to corrupt certain parts of the country leaving the citizens bankrupt.
Even if the situation is like in the aforementioned facts, everything is not dubitable. As the peace process has started and the common citizens have the hope that once a system is established, it could foster development process by involving a new control mechanism where they will be enriched with the knowledge of development and reform affairs and will be able to monitor the activities related to them, to their society and to their country.
Nevertheless, the government’s initiatives alone and the intervention from International Community cannot be sufficient to ensure the overall development of the country. Experiences from different sectors have proved that no development can sustain if people do not own the process and that even with prohibitively high cost of implementation; government’s efforts alone may not yield any fruitful results if people do not participate in the process. The participation of civil societies and community members is equally important to develop and reconstruct the country.
I, on behalf of our organization, seek for your kind cooperation towards our Nation Building Campaign.
Ramdhyan Prasad Yadav